C. Had his first day of preschool! The mini bus comes and picks him up and drops him off in front of our house. I wasn't sure how he would take to bus riding, because of past experiences. Remember Chris? Well, he did great and loved it right at the get-go. Look at his little happy face. So cute. He likes his preschool and seems very excited to go and has said a few new words this week.

Sorry, not the best photos. You can see him in his little booster seat. Can I just say how great the bus drivers and his teachers are. We are very lucky to have him in such a great place.
Not much knitting going on. I had a another socktastrophy. My heels keep falling apart on my 100% wool socks only. I have been so irritated about the whole thing that I have been uninspired. What I need is a new, exciting project. I will look on Ravelry and see what I can find or maybe pick Amy's brain and do whatever it is that she is doing!

I am doing a cookbook fundraiser for the International Dinner. Nice to be creative again. Here is the poster for recipes. Please support the school and my creative efforts and buy one! Email me for details.

Here is a sample page. I may tweak the design a bit.