What does NB get to do for her birthday? Go to the dentist, of course! For most kids this would be really awful, but for NB it was super exciting. She just loves the dentist and the toy box afterwards. We drove straight to school and I said we are drivng to school she said, "It's like a dream come true!". We live super close to school, so she never gets to go in the car and that was a big deal.

At school they had a little birthday celebration. I brought cupcakes and the kids gobbled them up in about two seconds. Of course she loved being the center of attention!

NB table in Spanish class.

We went for Thai food and then home for presents and Trophy Cupcakes. Here is her look of excitement after she opened her new art easel! My cute Petite Artiste!

She is creating her masterpiece.

I got NB a tutu to make herself. Here she is doing a beautiful dance with the new tutu!