Trying to keep the water girls happy and quiet. Quite a feat! There was a lot of energy in that group.
NB and her very good friend Christina!
Here is fire up on stage at the end of the ballet. NB is the third girl from the left. When they have their fire costumes it's hard to tell them apart.
NB greeting her many fans after her performance!

Now on to Christmas! Christmas cookies. I did these cookies as place cards for Christmas dinner. Very cute and easy to use. They are the Message in a Cookie from William Sonoma. You do need to make sure you have a nice firm dough or it is a HUGE mess.

NB getting a ride from Auntie Suzanne

Colin and NB opening their presents

NB portrait of Colin in oil pastel. Pretty good likeness, no?

Then in January our best present of all our new puppy, Madelyn (Maddie) McFluffington! She is a nine week old Goldendoodle. They are wonderful and low allergies, no shedding, wonderful temperment, easy to train, good with kids and cats. We went to Portland to pick her up. The breeder came to to the house and brought her to us. We went to visit my friend Brenda and took Maddie to see Nana. The next morning as I was carrying Colin out I couldn't see the step and fell. Drove home to Seattle and went to the ER and I have 3 fractured bones in my foot. So a new puppy and crutches for four weeks. Not the best combination. Hopefully the next month goes fast!

Now I plan to take it easy and enjoy my new puppy. SHe is a very easy puppy too! No problems and sleeps through the night without having to go potty. Awesome!! Don't we make a cute pair??

Maddie loves the kids! From the very first moment and she didn't need to take time to adjust. Our kitten Aisha LOVES Maddie. She thinks Maddie is her new toy. I will post some pictures of them very soon.