He was a cute cowboy! Not the most cooperative in wearing the rest of his costume, which was a horse.

Princess Belle on the candy run!

My cute boys.

Eva joined us for tricks and treats!

It is also Dia de Los Muertos (day of the dead). I made pan de muertos (bread of the dead) for their party at school. The kids told stories of loved ones that have passed. Of course, NB was one of the first to raise her hand. Her story was someone who was sometimes mean and scratched her... One parent asked about that and I said it was my Siamese cat! Poor Misha. Not sure that story was altogether true!

Just love the hair NB..... and compliments to chef for the bread, looks good :o)
Chris in the UK (and Andy)
Looks like the kids had a ball on Halloween! Sorry we missed you guys!
Adorable - all of them...especially Ian. Day of the dead - when my Ian was in first grade - he announced at sharing time on that day that his mother died, including alligator tears...thank god the teacher didn't buy his story.
Cuuuuuute! Glad it was fun :)
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