28 November 2008

Plenty of Art

I just finished the layout of another poetry book! It's a wonderful book and would make a great Christmas present! I have worked with David on five books now. You can go to Rose Alley Press for more information. It really is a beautiful book inside and out. Plus there are two Misha poems!

Art from my little Picasso! Is it me or is she talented?! She draws, paints and colors more than any kid I have ever seen.

Chai was looking pretty cute sleeping in NB drawer. Cats just love a nice, warm drawer. Why is it that I spent money on a cat bed when a drawer is the preferred sleeping space?

Many pictures of Chai! He is saying, "please STOP and that flash is really annoying me!".


Anonymous said...

Hmm I think I need to start investing in this new up and coming artist :o)
I do have one early original on my wall at work..... i may need to lock it in the bank vault to insure it hehehe

Knittymuggins said...

Love the kitty photos and my, don't you have quite the artiste at home :)
