06 July 2009

Happy 4th of July!

My beautiful 4th of July cupcakes!! We had a great time on this 4th of July. Ian made a feast of BBQ Ribs, Jumbalaya, chop chop salad. My friend Julie brought over yummy baked beans, grilled vegetable salad, appetizers to nosh on, and a cobbler! It was a feast! Oh, and some deliciously strong margaritas.

Early in the afternoon the kids had a lemonade stand! NB looked so sweet and as you see Colin is drinking up the product. LOL All the proceeds are going to be donated to her school. We will have to do the lemonade stand again. Thanks to everyone who stopped by.

NB is very formal fashion girl for her lemonade stand! I love it!

The kids running and jumping into the pool! They were having a blast.

1 comment:

chris in the UK said...

NB you look like a Disney Princess.... Jan i want a cupcake!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will have to make up for lack of them if I come visit Seattle next year!!